Independence Day is a momentous occasion in India, celebrating the country's freedom from British colonial rule on August 15th, 1947. Here's an outline for an Independence Day celebration at Bhatia Boarding

The 76th Independence Day was celebrated at Bhatia Hall, by our students of Bhatia Boarding. The programme began with a prayer and Saraswati Vandana.
National Anthem: Follow the flag hoisting with the singing of the Indian national anthem, "Jana Gana Mana," involving all Invitees.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony: There was a Parade organized by our BBRV students and by hoisting the Indian national flag with pride and respect by our CHIEF GUEST – COMMANDER BHARAT KUMAR VITHALDAS VED (RETIRED) INDIAN NAVY.
Welcome Speech by Superintendent: The Cultural Programme begun with a warm welcome to all Trustees, Managing Committee and all the attendees, expressing gratitude for their presence on this historic day.

Cultural Performances:

Dance and Music: Our Talented students showcased the traditional Indian dances performances from different regions of the country, representing India's diverse culture.
Education and Awareness: Our student Khush Bhatia gave information about the successful launch of Isro- Chandrayaan-3 Mission. Preet Udeshi and Khushal Bhatia gave a speech and emphasized the importance of unity in maintaining India's sovereignty and progress.
Drama: A patriotic Act depicting the struggle of URI attack – “A Surgical Strike” was performed by our students, we have uploaded photos below.
Trustees and Secretaries Speech: Our Honorary trustee Shri Sunil V Paleja: Thanked all our Students for great performances, thanked all the audience for attending the programme, Felicitated our Chief Guest, RC Patel School Principal – Smt. Deepa Pandya

Hon. Trustee Shri Mukesh G Gandhi introduced our Chief Guest-Commander Bharat Kumar Vithaldas Ved (Retired) Indian Navy and shared a few words on this auspicious occasion.

Our Chief Guest-Commander Bharat Kumar Vithaldas Ved (Retired) Indian Navy shared a few words with all the attendees. He also shared his experience as a Navy officer and the struggles he faced and overcame during his journey.

On this auspicious day, Shri Manish H. Ashar and Shri Hitesh S. Asher from our Committee revamped the Bhatia Boarding Mumbai website and it was launched by Shri Sunil V Paleja. 

Our Honorary trustee Shri Hitesh S Asher shared a few words on Independence Day, he shared his experiences with our students for growth and development.

Vote of Thanks: Our Managing committee member Advocate Yogesh Prabhudas Gandhi Thanked our Chief Guest, all participants, students, Trustees and Committee Members, Invitees and Staff for their contributions to the celebration.

In India, Independence Day is not just a commemoration but a celebration of the nation’s rich culture, diversity, and unity.